Sept 2006 – The Docu-drill starts

Posted on: January 9th, 2013 by admin

We head off to Home Affairs to apply for Passports, Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificate and Police Clearances.

We go to Springs for the passports in August 2006 as we were told by someone that they are quick – passports arrive 8 weeks later as promised.

We go to Pretoria for Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificate and Police Clearances on 27 September 2006.

Clever me looks up on the Internet for the addresses, tel numbers, etc. of all the places we need to be, but goes and forgets everything at home. Luckily I remembered where Home Affairs was so we parked there. The Police clearances were supposed to be there closeby too. We decide to start off with the Police Clearances as the building was right in front of where we parked. On going into the reception, the security tells us we are in the wrong place. He gives us directions and the goose chase begins…..on foot to the otherside of town……one police department/building to the other. Poor old Mel is dresses for success with little strappy high heels, the works. Eventually she is really lagging behind from walking on her toes the whole morning. Complaining heavilly about the blisters on her feet.

I look around and point out a few of the Pretoriaaners and ask her if she knows any of them……. no she replies. Do you think you will see any of them ever again I ask…….no she replies and catches my drift.

Aaah, a lady walking through Pretoria central barefoot is definitely an eye catching experience and good for a laugh.

On 31 Oct 2006 we go back to Pretoria to get transcripts of my Technikon results and see if our Police Clearances are ready. Even though it has only been 5 weeks into the 8 week wait for our Home Affairs goodies, we call them anyway. Most are ready, just mine will take another week.

When we get to Home Affairs, Mel’s birth certificate can’t be found. We re-apply and hope for the best.

The Technikon gives me a copy of my results, but we will have to go back for the transcript of the curriculi.

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